November 15, 2021

7 tips for stowing summer clothes and getting ready for fall/winter

STORE ROOM Lagerabteile Selfstorage

Autumn is coming!

We all don’t want to believe it, but the time has come: summer is over and autumn is moving into the country. Gone are the cozy summer nights in nearby guest gardens or on the balcony at home. But gone are also the mercilessly hot days that became bearable only by jumping into the cool water or camping in front of the fan. All seasons have their pros and cons and while the weeping eye still looks sadly at the past summer, the other already looks joyfully into the future. Among other things, to the delicacies, which will soon be offered again by maroon stands and at Christmas markets. But it is not only the thought of the imminent vast quantities of sweets, punch and mulled wine that is already causing an uneasy feeling in the stomachs of many…

Where is that again?

Of course, home and business space want to be decorated to match the season. At the beginning of autumn, every decor fanatic’s heart swells. All the boxes, closets, storage and storerooms are searched for fall decorations and warmer clothes, and this endeavor is like the proverbial search for a needle in a haystack. That’s because the pieces you’re looking for are either buried under mountains of stuff that have accumulated over the course of the last year, or have seemingly vanished into thin air. A horror and that even before the 31st of October.
Many people wonder: How can we avoid this spectacle repeating itself at the beginning of December, when the Advent decorations and winter things have to be dug out from the far corners?
We have seven tips for you on how to put an end to the endless search for lost decor and seasonal items forever. Plus, we want to show you how self-storage opens up new opportunities to bring system to your chaos!

Photo by James Hollingworth on Unsplash

  • Clean up properly for once!

Unfortunately, you won’t get around a big cleanup, but it will save you the miserable search when you need it least. Take your time for once and bring order to the chaos! But then bring this major action to an end. If you abandon them prematurely or follow through only half-heartedly, you’ll soon be back to square one.

  • Sort it out!

Think about what things you really need and which ones you might be able to part with. No one needs five black winter jackets. On the side, you can earn some money by selling discarded items. You can also do something good by donating your surplus. Caritas, Volkshilfe or similar organizations are happy to receive your donations before the cold months and pass them on to those in need.

  • Get extra space!

If you can’t part with your treasures or your home storage facilities are still overflowing, it’s time to look for alternatives. STORE ROOM offers you the possibility to store your belongings at a reasonable price and buys one square meter for every square meter booked. Rainforest! No matter how much or little space you need, we always have a suitable storage space available for you, which you can rent inexpensively in one of our locations in Vienna.

  • Bearing properly in!

It’s important to come up with a system for storing your belongings in an organized manner. Tidiness saves you lots of time when you’re looking for something later. Helpful here can be, for example, boxes that you can buy in any hardware store. In these you can especially smaller or fragile items collected and stored safely. You can also label the boxes on the outside, which allows you to always keep track of your belongings. For other important storage tips, check out our other blog posts.

  • Order by seasons!

It can be quite useful to consider the seasons in which you need certain things in your storage system. By doing this, you’ve already created some basic structure to build upon!

  • Give yourself some space!

Even the best system is worth nothing if the space is so limited that you can only get to the belongings you need by climbing or after a long clear-out. It is therefore advantageous to plan a corridor of about one meter, which will allow you to quickly access all the stored utensils!

  • Use the rotation system!

If the warehouse does get fuller than you thought, or you just want to always have the fastest possible access to your seasonally needed items, the rotation system is perfect for you. Store the things you will need in the near future in the front and those you won’t need again until later, further back. If you take the seasons into account in your system, for example, this creates a kind of rotation system: at the beginning of fall, get your fall clothes out of the storage compartment. Now, winter items should be right up front, followed by the items you’ll need in the spring. You move them all forward by the meters that have become free. At the very back, you store your summer decorations, diving and fishing gear, etc. In the winter, your fall clothes end up in the back and the rest of your belongings move up one spot. In the transitional period, everything is now at hand!

If you follow these tips, nothing should stand in the way of a stress-free start to the cold months! We hope we were able to help you and look forward to seeing you at one of our locations!

Your STORE ROOM Team 🤖


Further posts

Montag - Sonntag: 0 - 24h
Rund um die Uhr immer zugänglich
Mo - Do: 08:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Freitag: 08:00 - 14:00 Uhr

You don’t know exactly how much storage space you need, how renting our selfstorage space works or you have other questions? We are happy to assist you!

You would like to visit our storage facilities before renting to get an idea on site? Then book an appointment right here!

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Storage spaces
Monday - Sunday: 0 - 24h
Always accessible around the clock
Mo - Thu: 08:00 - 17:00
Fr: 08:00 - 14:00

You don’t know exactly how much storage space you need, how renting our selfstorage space works or you have other questions? We are happy to assist you!

You would like to visit our storage facilities before renting to get an idea on site? Then book an appointment right here!

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Wien Süd
Wien Nord
Wien City 1030
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Vienna south
Vienna north
Vienna city 1030

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Vienna south
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Vienna city 1030

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