
PROJECT 2028: How hectares of nectar are revolutionizing the bee population

In recent decades, insect populations have declined worldwide. This is a worrying trend with serious ecological consequences. Honey bees and wild bees, our key pollinators, are especially at risk. These insects are crucial for food production and biodiversity. Hektar Nektar focuses on these issues with its ambitious PROJECT 2028. The goal is to significantly boost the bee population in Austria and Germany within the next decade.

PROJECT 2028: An initiative for bees and biodiversity

Hektar Nektar was founded by brothers Martin and Mark Poreda. It is a platform dedicated to raising awareness of bee conservation. The platform promotes sustainable solutions through innovative approaches. One of its first initiatives was a digital marketplace for trading bee colonies. This was followed by PROJECT 2028, which partners with companies to provide beekeepers with bee colonies. The goal is to strengthen the bee population.

The importance of biodiversity and pollination

Insects, especially bees, are crucial for the pollination of about 80 percent of all crops. Without them, the production of fruits, vegetables, and nuts would be at serious risk. The decline in bee populations is caused by several factors, including monocultures with limited flowering periods, the use of pesticides like neonicotinoids, land sealing, and climate change. Wild bees, which need specialized habitats, are particularly threatened. This loss of biodiversity has both ecological and economic consequences, impacting agriculture and the entire ecosystem.

Imkerei mit Bienen
Honigernte bei Bienenstock

The fight against bee mortality

The challenges for beekeepers are diverse. In addition to natural factors like the Varroa mite and American foulbrood, economic pressures are a major threat to many beekeepers’ livelihoods. The import of cheap, diluted honey from countries with lower production standards is putting domestic beekeepers at risk. This so-called dumping honey not only endangers the livelihood of beekeepers but also compromises the quality and purity of honey itself.

An important step in safeguarding the bee population and promoting biodiversity is educating consumers about the differences between genuine, high-quality honey and inferior imports. By raising awareness, consumers can make more informed choices and support sustainable, local beekeeping practices.

The recently introduced mandatory labeling of honey in the EU helps consumers to make informed choices. Regional and organic labels also play a crucial role in strengthening the appreciation of local honey and promoting fair competition.

The link between biodiversity and the climate crisis

The decline in biodiversity and the climate crisis are deeply connected. A healthy natural environment is essential for regulating the climate and adapting to changes. Protecting biodiversity not only preserves ecosystems but also helps reduce climate change and its impacts.

Outlook: Awareness and willingness to act

Despite the challenges, there is hope and tangible progress. PROJEKT 2028 has already rallied numerous partners from both business and civil society. The initiative is committed to a sustainable future, where biodiversity and beekeeping coexist.

It is up to all of us to act consciously and support local initiatives like Hektar Nektar. They help ensure that honey remains a symbol of quality and sustainability, while securing the future of bees.

Hektar Nektar and their ambitious PROJECT 2028 show how dedication and innovation can strengthen the bee population and promote biodiversity. Through partnerships with companies and a focus on transparent honey production, they set high standards for sustainability and environmental protection.

This effort is not just about saving bees; it’s about raising awareness of biodiversity’s importance. Through educational programs and public campaigns, Hektar Nektar informs people about the vital role bees play in our ecosystems and inspires active participation in environmental protection.


STORE ROOM and Hektar Nektar: a long-standing partnership

We also have a deep appreciation for bees and support the cause with five of our own beehives at our Vienna South site in Brunn am Gebirge. This means that 250,000 busy bees have found a permanent home with us. By expanding our beehives, we’ve already contributed to an increase of around 500,000 bees. And, of course, we also produce our own delicious honey!

Through our social commitment we actively support the preservation of biodiversity and help to ensure that honey from Austria remains a symbol of quality and sustainability. Let’s work together to protect our environment and secure a future worth living for generations to come. Because only through joint efforts can we really make a difference.

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